Our sole purpose in writing and publishing these notes has been to provide the reader with a help in better understanding the Word of God, and so put it into practice more fully. They represent many years of hard work. Great care has been taken to try to expound what is in the text of the Bible, and not to present any preconceptions or prejudices we may have.

It is, of course, quite possible that we have not always succeeded in this, and the reader may sometimes find mistakes in matters of fact or errors in the interpretation of a verse or a passage. If these things are pointed out to us, and we are convinced of our error, we will be most happy to correct any such thing in future editions. Truth is what we constantly aim at, and anything less than the truth in our thinking and speaking and writing is unacceptable and painful to us, as it should be to everyone who reads this.

May God alone be praised if those who use our Study Bible come to a better understanding of the truth through it. We are in hearty agreement with the psalmist who wrote, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, because of your mercy and because of your truth” (Ps 115:1). In this we will have our joy and satisfaction.

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